Crate Training Step-by-Step



Foster Facts provides our fosters with the real advice they need to successfully care for their new pup - and stay positive in the process!

You’ve got the crate, the toys, and studied our Crate Training Top Tips, but how do you introduce the (likely reluctant) pup to their new personal space? See below the following progression as a training guideline:

  1. Sit outside the front of the crate. Give the dog a command to signify that they should enter the crate. Throw a treat in, but do not close the crate door. Reward the dog any time they enter the crate on command. 

  2. After the dog consistently enters the crate and stays inside for treats, close the crate door. Continue to feed treats through the door to reinforce the positive behavior.

  3. Open the door after a short period of time and let the dog leave the crate (in the beginning, this can be as little as 30 seconds). 

  4. Gradually increase the time the dog spends in the crate with the door shut and continue to feed treats through the door. 

  5. Once the dog can calmly sit in the crate for longer periods of time, try closing the dog inside the crate and backing away from it, while avoiding feeding treats through the door. After a short period of time, let the dog out of the crate and reward him or her with a treat. Gradually increase the time and distance that you are away from the crate (i.e. from 30 seconds to 30 minutes at a time; from a few steps away from the crate to the other room).

  6. Eventually try closing the dog in the crate and leaving the home entirely. Gradually increase the time you spend outside of the home, and listen for signs of barking and whining.

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