A Message From Muddy Paws Rescue



At Muddy Paws Rescue, we have always acted based on our core values of being positive, welcoming, responsive, and supportive. In line with those values, we are standing in support, we stand in support of the Black community in New York City and across the country as people from all walks of life join together to mourn the death of George Floyd and countless others while demanding societal change that is long overdue. Black Lives Matter.

As has become exceptionally clear, words of support mean very little if not backed by action. We are proud of our community - our volunteers, foster parents, staff members, and more - who continue to ask tough questions, who take action, who donate, and who constantly self-reflect on our organizational processes as well as their own personal biases in an effort to enact positive change.

Muddy Paws Rescue was built on the premise of always doing the right thing over the easy thing. We have always been committed to practicing Open Adoptions and building a welcoming, inclusive community, but we can do more - and we will. Because this is a marathon and not a sprint, we are building a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee to take a real look both inward and out to our community. We want to ask the hard questions, and we are committed to being a part of the solution.

Thank you for being a part of our community. Take care of yourselves, and take care of others who need the support. 


Founding Executive Director

Rachael Ziering

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Rachael Ziering