12 Days of Happy Tails: Meet Harvey!



As the year winds down, we're looking back on the year that was 2020 and all the lives that we've saved thanks to your support. We're delighted to share our 12 Days of Happy Tails — starting today, we will feature alumni, handpicked by our staff and volunteers, whose stories have touched our hearts.

Meet Handsome Harvey!

Harvey, formerly Bowie, arrived in NYC from our partner shelter in Kentucky back in February. He was a sweet, calm, and playful pup, and he easily acclimated to his foster home. He loved cuddles, meeting new people, and got along well with his foster's resident dog. But once Harvey settled in, his foster noticed he was exhibiting leash reactivity towards other dogs. It was something we knew he would outgrow, but his forever family would need to help him work on.


Corey and Karla, both dog lovers from the time they were young, had been looking for the perfect dog to include in their family.

They even spent their free time brainstorming their future pup's name - deciding on it during a visit to the beach in Ocean City, MD., where Corey's grandfather had a bench dedicated to his memory. Upon seeing the bench, Karla suggested that they name their future pup Harvey in his memory.

After looking far and wide for the perfect dog for them, Karla came across Harvey's profile on Muddy Paws' Instagram. She knew immediately it was the dog for them. Corey wasn't so sure, but once they went on a home visit to meet this dog, he was entirely on board. Corey says, [this dog] "was the sweetest, most welcoming, loving pup I had ever met, and I immediately knew he was part of our family."


They knew they would have to work on Harvey's leash reactivity but were 100% on board to help him become the perfect little man they knew he would eventually be. They were patient with his training and were only a few weeks into being a new family when tragedy struck. 

Karla's dad, Gary, suddenly passed away. Corey, Karla, and Harvey relocated from their home to Maryland to be with their loved ones. Through it all, Harvey was an absolute trooper and brought them so much joy during a time of immense pain. He was a constant source of positivity, and their focus on training him to be better equipped with other dogs was a welcomed distraction from everything else going on in their lives. 


Eight months later, and Harvey has made strides Corey and Karla never thought possible!

He has a group of about 25-30 dog friends he meets up with every morning to socialize in FiDi, and "he has 3-4 girlfriends depending on the week". Harvey has learned to love other dogs and goes to doggy daycare three times a week, where Corey says, "he's the star of the show."

Luna, formerly known as Zabella

His smile is contagious, his appetite never-ending, and he's more than anything they could've hoped for as a best friend. "It truly is Beshert" (meant to be), says Corey," that Harvey came into our home. 💙"

This holiday season, you can help us make a difference in the health and life of pups, just like Harvey. Please donate to help give hundreds of dogs the chance they deserve.

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Happy TailsRachael Ziering