12 Days of Happy Tails: Meet Mila!


As the year winds down, we're taking a look back at all of the lives that we’ve saved thanks to your support. It’s another year of 12 Days of Happy Tails — stories that touched the hearts of our staff and volunteers. We hope you enjoy reading them as much as we’ve loved all of these special pups.

Today’s Happy Tail is the story of Mila with the cute nose, FKA Nina. When our friends at BluePearl Pet Hospital called and said that a small pup with extremely matted fur and medical issues that required attention was left there, we knew we had to help.

Mila went to foster immediately and NYCACC took official custody until the mandatory stray hold ended. Then, with the help of two of our incredible fosters Katie and Katy, we were able to help 7-year-old Mila get back on her feet to find her forever home. 

When Mila arrived at Katie’s home, she was terrified.  She was fearful and would bark, snap or growl at anyone who came close. Nina stayed with Katie for a few days, during which time she spent time in her crate, healing and getting acclimated with being loved again. When Katie had to leave on a pre-planned vacation, another wonderful foster, Katy, stepped in and watched over Mila for a few weeks. And little by little, Mila would get a little bit more comfortable with Katy. 

Katy introduced her resident dog to Mila in the hopes of convincing her that humans aren’t so bad. And, each day, Katy would work to build a relationship with the fearful Mila, giving her lots of different foods and treats. Mila would still growl and snarl even with the treats, but over time the growling became less frequent. Until finally, one wonderful day, Mila crawled into Katy’s lap! Success!

Mila spent a few more weeks with us, enjoying time with other dogs and humans young and old, and going on adventures big and small, until the day arrived when she was ready to attend an adoption event.

Adoptive mom May says she found Mila simply by chance. She was applying for a different dog, but when she saw Mila’s profile she knew she needed to meet her. To everyone’s joy they hit it off immediately!

Mila and May have been together for about 3 months, and Mila has settled in perfectly. When May had to do some traveling, her network of friends stepped in to watch over little Mila. May says that Mila even went out with “a mysterious boy who seems to have a big crush on her”.

Mila has been fortunate enough to work with May in the office, and doesn’t mind being transported around in her favorite bag. She loves to go out to eat and can even read certain menu items. Her favorite thing to do is to snuggle on the couch with May and plan all of their upcoming adventures.  

This holiday season, please consider making a gift that will help give dogs like Mila a second chance. 

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Happy TailsRachael Ziering