12 Days of Happy Tails: Meet Willow!


As the year winds down, we're taking a look back at all of the lives that we’ve saved thanks to your support. Today begins our 12 Days of Happy Tails — stories that touched the hearts of our staff and volunteers. We hope you enjoy reading them as much as we’ve loved all of these special pups.

Our first Happy Tail is a Pack favorite - a dog that we all fell madly in love with... who captured our hearts and our souls, but couldn’t seem to find her own soulmate. This is the story of Willow told from two perspectives: the first from Juliette Mazza, Muddy Paws Rescue’s Foster Program Manager and the second from her adopter, Amy.

Juliette’s Story

On April 13th, 2021, we met a 125lb, 10 year old, obese, large-breed dog with hypothyroidism, and we committed to changing her life.

Willow was abandoned in an apartment building at no fault of her own. Her skin was sore and raw. Her knees had bilateral cruciate tears, and she was collapsing from her own weight, being too weak to hold herself up. She needed to lose significant weight, and we had no idea what her quality of life was. We knew this was her rock bottom, and we knew how badly she needed us. Willow needed every person in our Pack to believe in her, so we did. She relied on the support of our volunteers who provided her with rides when she couldn’t walk, multiple fosters who were brave enough to welcome a more difficult case, and the kind members of our community who funded her countless vet visits, helped us buy her diapers, pee pads, supplements, high quality food, and hydrotherapy sessions. And she needed Cesar, her long-term foster dad, more than she needed anyone else. At the end of the day, she just needed to be loved again. 

“Okay, that leads us to Willow. Does she have any adoption interest yet?” This is how MPR staff started every dog review call for six months. “She’s been the same, happy Willow in foster,” we’d say. “Maybe we can do another Tik Tok for her?” But even with going viral, it wasn’t enough to reach her human. Every week, we’d brainstorm, we’d review her profile, her photos, the frequency in which we’re sharing her. The same question remained: “Why has no one fallen in love with Willow yet?” In her 10 years on this earth, we knew she’s the type of dog people dreamed about. The type of dog that reminds you of that childhood dog you grew up with who sparked your love for dogs. The type of dog who has unconditional love for her human - even when they weren’t in a position to provide her with the unconditional care and love she needed. Willow’s story of winding up in the shelter is sad, but it’s behind her. When looking at Willow, I just knew she would never forget the humans who raised her, and she was ready to give all her love to someone new.

Over spring, summer and fall, we saw Willow's coat get shinier, her legs get stronger, her waist get slimmer, and we saw a happier, healthier dog. Finally, Willow was able to go on short walks, then long walks. She was able to bring home sticks and branches, and finally, she was ready to find a forever home. Adoption events came and went, but on November 20th, Willow's day finally came, thanks to the power of social media!

Amy and Erik decided to take over her care. Willow went from being a part of our pack, to being a part of her very own family. While once an MPR dog, always an MPR dog, Willow's new family is giving her the life she has always deserved. In less than two weeks of adopting Willow, they built her a ramp to make it easier for her to run around her very own yard! Finally,our work here (for her) was done. 

Thank you to Amy and Erik for giving her a chance, and for making this happy tail, one of the happiest in MPR history. Happy Holidays Willow, this one is for you.

Amy’s Story

My husband and I had actually posted on Instagram two weeks before knowing about Willow, asking if anyone knew of an older dog who needed a home. We both agreed that adopting a dog - specifically an older dog - was the priority for us. They have so much love to give and so much personality. My heart just hurts to think how they must feel to be older and not certain of where they’ll call home in their golden years. 

As an oncology nurse, I can see how the end of life with the right perspective can be as special and beautiful as the beginning. It’s not like having a puppy where you look forward to the milestones, it’s more the small moments you have together, and… making those count. 

We’re forever grateful to Valerie (@goodbadhardtosay) for connecting us to Juliette, Muddy Paws, and the video of Willow (that video had 250k views). It was instant for us. She was meant to be our’s, we were supposed to be her’s, and we adopted her the next week. 

Our first dog was a senior as well. We adopted in connection with Valerie’s parents, Marianna and the recently passed Gaspare Randazzo. It almost felt like fate that they would help connect me with both of my adopted seniors, but I feel it really speaks to the rescue dog community - the compassion, fortitude and commitment to helping save these beautiful little ones.

Willow loves walking down to the bay with us - sitting by the mosaics and watching the kids on the playground. We love watching how happy she gets when she finds a stick bigger than her and pulls it across the yard. My husband was the one that helped me see how incredible having a senior dog could be and he’s since built a custom “Willow Walk” off our back porch to make it easier for Willow to get around. It’s seeing how full and bright her life still is that makes it all worthwhile. 

This holiday season, your donation can help us give dogs like Willow all the time they need to heal and find a loving family.

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Happy TailsRachael Ziering